Energy Appraisal – Do more with less by improving energy efficiency


Whatever your motor-driven application – whether pumps and fans or compressors and mixers – it is highly likely that it is using more energy than it needs. There can be many reasons including:


  • Over-dimensioned motors
  • Low-efficiency motors
  • Variable load processes running at full speed
  • Poorly maintained assets


An ABB Energy Appraisal gives a detailed insight into how motor-driven applications perform, helping to make better decisions on ways to save energy, lower CO2 emissions and boost a company’s overall sustainability. You can select from two types of ABB Energy Appraisals or a combination of both. They can also be included in an ABB Motion OneCare agreement.


  • Application-specific – aimed at motor-driven fan, pump and compressor applications without smart sensor technology. A site visit is usually required to manually collect individual asset data.
  • Digital Powertrain – aimed at motors fitted with ABB Ability™ Smart Sensors. Data is collected remotely and regularly from an entire fleet of digitally connected motors, allowing for regular energy use updates. A site visit can still be arranged, if preferred.


Benefits of Energy Appraisal

  • Cut energy waste and costs – Identify energy intensive applications in your plant, find ways to cut energy waste and obtain an estimate of potential cost savings
  • Reduce CO2 emissions – Discover potential CO2 emission reductions, the benefit towards meeting local environmental regulations and how it can help to meet your company’s sustainability goals
  • Lower total cost of ownership – See the rapid payback from investing in high-efficiency motors and drives and the impact on the total cost of ownership of reducing energy consumption
  • Minimal disruption to operations – An appraisal is carried out without any impact on a facility’s operations. New equipment recommended by the appraisal can be installed during routine maintenance shutdowns, thereby minimizing any disruption to production.


Deciding on the right ABB Energy Appraisal starts by meeting an ABB expert who will learn about your processes and help identify the applications which may be wasting most energy. Based on your inventory of motors and drives, the outcome determines which Energy Appraisal works best for you.

If you would like further information on the ABB Appraisal contact us using the form below and one of the KC Service team will be in touch.

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