On-site Flow Products Verification and Health Check


Verification services provide the best possible check of product performance and health without removing the product from the process.


Why verify your product’s health and accuracy?


It is essential to carry out periodic product verifications to ensure performance has not deviated significantly from specified tolerances. This is especially important for custody transfer or billing applications where significant costs can be avoided or income can be generated.


In-situ flowmeter verification of products is a considerably lower cost option compared with full removal and wet calibration. Trends in historical verification measurements can predict future problems allowing scheduled maintenance decisions to be made rather than costly unscheduled essential maintenance when a failure does occur.


Benefits of our verification services


Process optimization – reduce raw material cost, increase process speed & data accuracy


Process availability – reduction in unscheduled maintenance ensuring maximum uptime of your plant or process


Safety – regular calibration, consistent intervals, and record-keeping help minimize accidents


Regulatory compliance – independent verification of calibrations, third-party signed certificates for record-keeping


Custody transfer – improved accuracy, independent verification of calibration


If you would like further information on flow verification contact us using the form below and one of the KC Service team will be in touch.

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