Instrument Enclosures for your Recorders & Controllers


Recorders & Controllers are some of the most versatile and powerful devices, as it’s capable of acquiring information and storing the data for all types of instrumentation applications. Some of these devices are built to work in harsh conditions however it’s still necessary to protect these instruments from elements such as fire, water, dirt etc.

We recently built a bespoke enclosure for a leading Car manufacturer in the UK. They wanted to ensure that their SM500 chart recorders were fully

A leading Supermarket chain in the UK wanted an enclosure that would be FDA approved and complaint with the Dairy & Food industry. They had a range of SM500 chart recorders collecting a variety of data and it was important for them to have an enclosure that fully seals the devices from contaminating any Food in the factory. The Engineers here at KC Controls Service, built and assembled a bespoke sanitary enclosure, which would allow the on site managers to collect the data from the recorder’s without contaminating the site.

Our engineers are fully certified to build Dust, Water and Flame proof Enclosures. We also have extensive experience in building bespoke ATEX, EX d or EX e rated enclosures for all types of Hazardous environments.

For more information on Instrument Enclosures, please feel free to fill out our contact form below and a member of KC Controls will be in contact.

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