Heavy Metal Precipitants Products


Heavy Metal Precipitants - KCS

Heavy Metal Precipitants

Heavy metal precipitants are chelating polymers with a wide range of molecular weights. All products form strong chelate complexes. These complexes are not soluble in water and mineral acids.

All our products capture the heavy metal ion, even from strong complexing agents such as EDTA, NTA and many more.

Showing the single result

  • Sale! EpoFloc


    Effluent Treatment Data Sheet

    Epofloc L1R Data Sheet

    The environmentally friendly EpoFloc is suited to removing numerous heavy metals from water. EpoFloc is a heavy metal precipitation agent for the treatment of process and industrial waste water. It can be used alone or in combination with flocculation aid agents and is particularly suited to plating, metal finishing and circuit board manufacturing plants. Metals that can be removed include Copper, Mercury, Zinc, Chrome, Cadmium and Silver.

    EPOFLOC L1-R is a heavy metal precipitation agent fort he treatment of process and industrial waste water.

    It can be used alone or in combination with flocculation aid agents. EpoFloc L1-R is responsible for heavy metal precipitation. It consist of polymeric bounded sulfur groups.


    The dosage needs practical evidence. If the metals are bounded as a soluble complex (in the form of citrate, gluconate, NTA, EDTA, etc.) the dosing needs to be empirically evaluated. The usual dosing in praxis is between 0.2 – 1.0 l/m3, if EpoFloc L1-R is used alone

    Original price was: £1,000.00.Current price is: £800.00.

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